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Senior Pastor Dan Lenington

I was raised in a Christian home in York, Pennsylvania by Godly parents. My mother and father taught me to love God and desire a relationship with Him from the beginning. When I was about six years old, my parents began to tell me about baptism because they said I had made a salvation decision when I was younger. However, I did not remember this experience but continued on with baptism.

In the following years, I began to severely doubt my salvation because I could not remember when I had placed my trust in Christ. I would continually pray to accept Christ whenever I felt guilty. By August 1996, I was tired of doubting and worrying. After a Sunday night service, I asked my mother to explain the plan of salvation again to me and pray with me. She explained how Christ died on the cross for my sin, was buried, and rose again the third day. She told me that if I placed my faith in Christ alone as my savior, He would forgive my sin, and I would become His child. I did accept Christ as my personal savior that night, and I noticed a change in my desires. I wanted to know God and change my bad behavior. Christ began to work in my life, and I started to grow. Later I was re-baptized.

But it wasn't until my senior year that God really got my attention. By stripping away everything I loved more than Him, He showed me that He was all I really needed and all I really wanted. Finally, He gave me a desire to share this truth with today's youth. I enrolled in the pastoral ministry program at Pensacola Christian College, and met my wife Karen during my freshman year. Karen also grew up in a Christian home and has trusted Christ as her savior. Together we strive to raise our two sons and two daughters to love and serve God. After college, I stayed for seminary to earn a Masters of Divinity degree. Having served as the youth pastor of Grace and Truth Bible Church for the past 4 years, I am exciting to continue ministry here in the role of senior pastor. Please feel free to contact me if I can be a help to you in any way.

Assistant Pastor Brandon Harris

I was raised in Eastern North Carolina in the city of Greenville.  I attended  People's Baptist Church until I graduated high school in 2005.  Although I was raised in church, I did not accept Christ until I was 16 years old.  The Lord began to direct my life and I chose to attend Amabassador Baptist College as I sought the Lord's will.  It did not take long for me to realize that God had placed a desire in my heart for ministry and a call to preach His Word.  After four years of Bible college the Lord led me to serve at Oakside Baptist Church of Lagrange, Georgia.  I was able to serve in the youth and music ministry for about 2 years until the Lord directed me elsewhere.  Once I left Georgia I spent a short time in North Carolina at my home church before moving to Sarasota, Florida.  It was there that I met my wife while serving at Liberty Baptist Church.  My wife and I served together at Liberty for 4 years in the youth and music ministries of the church.  We also spent a majority of our time teaching at Liberty Baptist Academy, which was a ministry of the church.  Through much prayer, the Lord directed us to leave our ministry in Florida and join Grace and Truth Bible Church in June of 2017.  We are excited to serve here and we are looking forward to what God has in store for the future.

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